Blast Resistance

Our blast mitigating solutions are the highest live blast tested & certified products in the world.

International Explosion Resistance Standards & Certification Classes

EN 13123-2 Open Range Test


Facade, window, door, shutterMassDistance
EXR13 kg5,0 m
EXR23 kg3,0 m
EXR312 kg5,5 m
EXR412 kg4,0 m
EXR520 kg4,0 m

Test results must have the addition:

S = splinters NS = no splinters

DoD UFC4-010-01


Level of Protection
Potential Door and Glazing HazardsPotential Injury
Below AT standards*
* Windows will fail catastrophically and result in lethal hazards. (High hazard rating)
* Doors will be thrown into rooms. (Category V)
Majority of personnel in collapse region suffer fatalities. Potential fatalities in areas outside of collapsed area likely.
Very Low* Glazing will fracture, come out of the frame, and is likely to be propelled into the building, with potential to cause serious injuries. (Low hazard rating)
* Doors will become dislodged from the structure but will not create a flying debris hazard.
(Category IV)
Majority of personnel in damaged area suffer serious
 injuries with a potential for fatalities. Personnel in areas outside damaged area will experience minor to moderate injuries.
Low* Glazing will fracture, potentially come out of the frame, but at
reduced velocity, does not present a significant injury hazard. (Very low hazard rating)
* Doors will experience non-
catastrophic failure, but will have permanent deformation and may
be inoperable. (Category III)
Majority of personnel in damaged area suffer minor to moderate injuries with the potential for a few serious injuries, but fatalities are unlikely. Personnel in areas outside damaged areas will potentially experience minor to moderate injuries.
Medium* Glazing will fracture, remain in the frame and results in a minimal hazard consisting of glass dust and slivers. (Minimal hazard and No Hazard ratings)
* Doors will be openable but will have permanent deformation.
(Category II)
Personnel in damaged area potentially suffer minor to moderate injuries, but fatalities
are unlikely. Personnel in
areas outside damaged areas
will potentially experience superficial injuries.
High* Innermost surface of glazing will not break. (No Break hazard
* Doors will be substantially unchanged and fully operable.
(Category I)
Only superficial injuries are likely.

1. This is not a level of protection and should never be a design goal. It only defines a realm of more severe structural response, and may provide useful information in some cases.
2. For damage / performance descriptions for primary, secondary, and non-structural members, refer to PDC Technical Report 06-08.
3. Glazing hazard ratings are from ASTM F 2912.
4. Door damage level categories are from ASTM F 2247 and F 2927.


GSAISODescriptionExposure classesProtection classes
GSA1AGlazing does not break. No visible damage to glazing or frame.nonevery high
GSA2BGlazing cracks but is retained by the frame. Dusting or very small fragments near sill or on the floor acceptable.nonevery high
GAS3aCGlazing cracks. Fragments enter space and land on floor not further than 1,006 mm from the window.very lowhigh
GSA3bDGlazing cracks. Fragments enter space and land on floor not further than 3,048 mm from the window.lowhigh
GSA4EGlazing cracks. Fragements enter space and land on floor and impact a vertical witness panel at a distance of no more than 3,048 mm from the window at a height no greater than 610 mm above the floormediummedium
GSA5FGlazing cracks. Fragments enter space and land on floor and impact a vertical witness panel at a distance of no more than 3,048 mm from the window at a height no greater than 610 mm above the floor.highlow



Hazard Rating
Severity of FragmentsFragment Distance
No Break
The glazing is observed not to fracture and there is no visible damage to the glazing system.None.
Very Low Hazard
Glazing will fracture.< 1m
Low Hazard
Glazing will fracture.1 < 3m and below 50cm height floor level
High HazardGlazing will fracture. > 3m and above 50cm height floor level